Zoom class
Beginning Thursday 12th September up to and including Thursday 24th October - 7 week term
Zoom class
Zoom class
Beginning Thursday 31st October up to and including Thurday 12th December - 7 week term
Zoom class
Zoom Class
Beginning Thursday 9th January up to and including Thursday 13th February - 6 week term
Zoom Class
Zoom Class
Beginning Thursday 27th February up to and including Thursday 3rd April - 6 week term
Zoom Class
Zoom Class
Beginning Thursday 24th April up to and including Thursday 22nd May- 6 week term
Zoom Class
Contact me today to schedule a one to one call where i will tell you all about the course|
Please reach me at janine@examwhisperer.co.uk if you cannot find an answer to your question.
All sessions will be recorded and made available after the session via an online portal. Handouts will also be filed.
I am always available to chat through any concerns you may have about your childs progress whether at school or in my sessions.
Exciting new online course. Schedule a one to one call with me to find out more information!